Hawaii Discounts
How to find Hawaii-discounts or coupons for your Maui, Vacation
Get Me To Maui is constantly looking for ways to save money with Hawaii discounts, Maui coupons, budget rentals and dining costs. If you search the internet for "any of these you will be over run by unrelated results. It is time consuming and unproductive. Here are a few good sources of coupons, discounts and budget rentals we know of.

The Hawaii Gold Card A3H Hawaii gold Card provides Hawaii discounts and benefits for you and up to three additional people with you. Discounts on everything from activities to dining. Special 50% off tickets available on a first come first served policy. Free guide books delivered to your home along with a credit type card for use. Even if you forget to order in time they can be picked when you arrive. This card is great for when you have a spur of the moment schedule to keep.
Have a Costco card, bring it. If you are staying in a condo stop on your way out of the Airport and the Costco is to your left at the main intersection. Be quick and be smart on buying only what you need. If you are not going to eat all the bulk that they sell you can probably do better at one of the regular grocery stores.
We know how to do this. On Tuesday in the Maui News newspaper there are store coupon inserts to use and enjoy. Look for Safeway (join value club while here), FoodLand (join value club while here), and Star Market. The large grocery stores are located through out the island but I found that food prices seem to vary by location. Lahaina and Kahului seemed to have lower prices, this may have been my imagination as I was still in sticker shock mode. Long Drugs while not a full grocery store does have great sales. See them through-out the island. Any store you go in you will appreciate any Hawaii discounts you can find.
Farmers markets are a big deal, besides meeting the local farmers you also get a chance to bargain. Here if you are staying in a Maui Condo, farmers markets are the way to go. Serious Hawaii discounts can be found from the grocery store pricing. This listing was good last time I was there.
- Monday, Wednesday; Hawaiian Moons Parking lot, Lower Honoapiilani Highway, 7:00 am to 11:00 am.
- Monday through Friday; Kihei Road by Suda Store 8:00 am / 4:00 pm
- Saturday; Longs Drug in Kihei on North Kihei Road, 8:00 am / Noon
- Wednesday; Kahului Shopping Center, 10:00 am / 2:00 pm
- Friday; Center stage in Ka'ahumanu Center, 9:30 am / 5:00 pm
To Find a good deal on dining on Maui start by visiting the Get Me To Maui Dining Page. This is a great place to start and find great food values but to get coupons for restaurants you will need some Maui newspapers.
Local newspapers serving the local market is the best place to find early bird specials, free appetizers, BYGO free, etc. Look for the Maui Times, Lahaina News,Maui Weekly , and Topix, these all will provide you local eatery coupons hawaii discounts and expand your restaurant selections with reviews.
To save your figure and some money order two appetizers, or a large salad and share one good entree. Look at what size the plates and servings are around you. Do you see people with boxes? Most restaurants serve up at least two serving per entree.